Welcome to Mrs. Lehtos Class

Welcome Students! I'm so happy to have you in my class this year. We're going to be working on a lot of fun things, here are a few of the assignments we will be working on. 1. A map of the 50 states. You will draw or attach personal pictures to the states you have lived or traveled to. Use your imagination and make it fun! The due date is March 11, 2019. 2. A short story about your favorite plant in the solar system. Please include drawing or pictures of the planet you choose. The due date is March 30, 2019. 3. A shoe box of all of your favorite things to bring in for show-in-tell. The due date is February 8, 2019. 4. A poster board of where you are from. Please include pictures and drawing of your family, the state you were born in, and your favorite places to visit. The due date is April 1, 2019. 5. The last assignment will be a personal creative one. Write a short story book that includes drawing and pictures. It can be whatever you want to write about. The due date is May 30, 2019. I look forward to seeing all of these assignments and learning more about you all. Welcome to Mrs. Lehto's classroom students. -Mrs. Lehto Image from Pixabay.com licensed under the CC0 Public Domain


  1. Hello Students! Please introduce yourself here and tell me about yourself.

    -Thanks Mrs. Lehto


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